A.J. Hill, Houston County quarterback

Today’s interviewee is Houston County quarterback Antwann “A.J.” Hill, whose team is ranked No. 4 in Class 6A and plays county rival Perry, the No. 5 Class 4A team, on Friday. Hill is a consensus top-100 junior prospect. Last week in his team’s season-opening game, a 52-12 victory against Sumter County, Hill was 16-for-16 passing for 287 yards and four touchdowns in just one half.

1. Tell me a little bit about last week’s game against Sumter County. You were able to go 16-for-16. How did that feel for you to start off the season and complete that task? What are some things your team worked on to prepare for this season? “It felt good to be back out there finally. It was the first game, the stadium was packed, great atmosphere. Everybody was ready for it. We had a great week to prepare for those guys. We executed our game plan very well against them. It was just exciting to be out there. It was small stuff we worked on during the offseason, and small details carry on to bigger things. Also working together as a team, building that chemistry. We had a small senior class last year and a big one this year. Now everybody knows their plays and assignments and is taking care of it.”

2. Playing the quarterback position, what are some skills you think you’ve had instilled in you since you’ve started and some that you might’ve had to work on along the way? “I always had arm strength. That’s one thing. And something that I’m working on as I grow is making better decisions, just trying to make plays out of the pocket more with my mobility. So, really just being more decisive with the ball. Coach puts me in an easy place to execute the plays and know where I’m going with the ball, my reads and what my defenders are going to do week in and out. He really knows how to explain the game plan, so I really thank him for putting me in that position to be successful in the offense.” [Houston County coach Jeremy Edwards, in his second season, was Warner Robins’ offensive coordinator for state championship teams in 2020 and 2021.]

3. This Friday, you and your team are playing your county rival, Perry. Last year you beat them 57-56. What about this team makes a win even more important, and how big is the rivalry between the schools? “The rivalry is really big. I know after last year everyone wants to see another game like that. So we’re going to try our best not to make this game like that. We were down 28-3 at halftime and won at the last second. This year, everybody knows what they’re doing, what they expect out of the coaches, and their assignments a little better than they did last year. So this year we just have to come out and execute. Early on in the game last year we made bad decisions some of the time. We were really just nervous for the big rivalry game. But now they have a big target on their back, so now we have to keep pushing and execute our game.”

4. You’re a junior and still have a little time, but you are starting to visit a few colleges. What are your experiences visiting these schools, what are things you’re looking forward to when it comes to moving to a campus and being a student, and what advice would you have for others being recruited? “It’s just a great feeling seeing how coaches prepare their players for the next level. So I’m looking at what type of schemes different teams run. Does it compare to a normal NFL offense you’d see on Sunday and can it translate from college to the league so I’d be league-ready the first year I come out the draft? I’m looking for that and a great coach to put me in that position so I could be a high draft pick and show the NFL scouts what I can do. I’m looking forward to experiencing college life and being away from my parents for a little bit. That’s a big step, being away from them and really just seeing how I handle the real world when I get out of school. As for advice to other players, enjoy every moment of it. Don’t rush the recruitment process. Look through all your options and just see the best long-term decision for you. Take it slow and enjoy it.” [Hill also was asked about what he was looking for academically. He said, “I’m looking into the business side, but probably communications. If I don’t make it to the league, my plan B is to become a sports broadcaster. So getting better at talking in front of the cameras and interviewing players. I want to stay around the sports community.”]


Will Huff, Thomasville Times-Enterprise sports writer


Jeff Fisher, High School Football America co-founder/editor