A head injury without a hit? Our free guide explains

Has your child ever experienced whiplash? Perhaps it came on the football field as the result of a tackle. Or perhaps your teen was in a car accident and suffered whiplash.

Whiplash - when a person’s head is jerked forward and backward quickly – can result in neck pain and stiffness. The same violent motion that causes a stiff neck can also cause the brain to collide with the inside of the skull, resulting in a concussion.

If a whiplash injury is accompanied by a headache, sleep issues and dizziness or blurred vision, your child may have experienced a concussion. Whiplash-related concussions can also cause attention and memory issues, ringing in the ears, fatigue and irritability.

Didn’t know this about whiplash and concussions? Raise your concussion IQ by downloading Aviv Clinics’ free guide to sports-related concussions.

Clinical research demonstrates that the Aviv Medical Program can heal damaged brain tissue, even years after a concussion. Complete our online form or call 888-393-2848 for a free physician consultation.


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