Anxiety. Depression. Slipping Grades. Could a sports injury be to blame?

Your teenager seems … different. Perhaps you can’t quite put your finger on it, but they’re not as focused. They’re not as passionate about football or other activities they used to love. Their grades are slipping, or they’re no longer interested in hanging out with their friends.

It’s easy to write this behavior off as being a “typical moody teenager,” but you know there’s something more.

Believe it or not, the changes in your teen’s personality could be related to a very common sports injury. Post-Concussion Syndrome is the name given to concussion symptoms that last for more than three months. These symptoms can come and go — but some can last for many years after the injury.

There is hope for getting your teenager back. Clinical research demonstrates that the Aviv Medical Program can heal damaged brain tissue, even years after a head injury.

Could your student athlete be suffering from Post-Concussion Syndrome? Call 888-393-2848 or contact Aviv Clinics to learn how to bring your child back to their full potential in just 90 days.


Has your student-athlete fully healed from concussion?