Lumpkin County's Next-Level Fan Experience

In fall 2021, Lumpkin County High School became the first school in north Georgia to equip its athletic fields with a full suite of advanced light show features.

Their decision to retrofit their football, baseball and softball fields with Musco’s TLC for LED® lighting technology allowed them to enhance the fan experience with color-changing lights, special effects features, and light shows synchronized to music. The LED upgrade also delivered higher light levels, better glare control, and renewed warranty protection, from a lighting provider they’ve worked with for more than 20 years.

“Our fans love to see the light shows on game night,” says Lumpkin County athletic director Steve Horton. “We’ve noticed a significant savings in our power bill, and being able to control the lights from anywhere is huge because it saves me trips to and from the facility. We could not be happier with our decision to go with Musco.”

Visit to learn more, or contact Musco’s Georgia sales team at 800-825-6030 or to discuss your next lighting project.


Georgia High School Sports Daily starts Tuesday on PSN


Touchdown Club of Atlanta luncheons begin Aug. 29