Talk to our doctors about depression, anxiety, concussions

Dizziness. Headaches. Nausea. Short-term memory loss. Sensitivity to light or sound. As football players, coaches and parents, most of us are familiar with these common signs and symptoms of a concussion. These symptoms usually fade away after a few days or weeks.

But about one in every five teens who suffer a concussion will experience long-term mental health concerns like PTSD and depression.

Many of us don’t know to watch for these long-term psychological consequences of concussions. Even a mild head injury can cause prolonged damage to delicate brain tissue. But there is hope.

Join Aviv Clinics for a free on-demand seminar, “Post-Concussion Syndrome: New Approaches to Treatment.” Dr. Mo Elamir, lead physician at Aviv Clinics, will explain some of the more unusual and concerning symptoms of post-concussion syndrome. He’ll also outline some effective new treatment options. Click here to watch this free seminar.

If you’re concerned about your student-athlete after a concussion, contact Aviv Clinics for a free physician consultation. You may also call Aviv at 888-393-2848.


Doctor explains when to worry about a teen's mood swings


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