What's the cause of your teen's mood swings? Take the quiz

Depression. Irritability. Anxiety. Mood swings.

Have you recently noticed changes in your student-athlete that seem out of character? Perhaps they’re not as passionate about football or other activities they used to love. Maybe their grades are slipping, or they’re not interested in hanging out with their friends or teammates.

These behaviors could be symptoms of post-concussion syndrome – and they could last for months or even years without treatment.

Even if your student-athlete seems fully recovered from a past concussion, the lingering effects of post-concussion syndrome could be causing disruptive physical, cognitive and behavioral symptoms.

Fortunately, there’s a quick way to find out if post-concussion syndrome could be the root of your teen’s mood swings. Aviv Clinics offers a free, no obligation, online quiz. In just five minutes, you’ll gain a better understanding of your teen and of how post-concussion syndrome may affect them.

Could there be a simple explanation for changes in your teen’s personality? Take Aviv’s free quiz to determine if their behavior could be caused by a sports-related head injury.


Some doctors say there's nothing they can do. We disagree


When your teen's concussion doesn't go away - Free guide