Some doctors say there's nothing they can do. We disagree

When high school freshman Linden Perry suffered a concussion during a practice, she didn’t think much of it. After all, this wasn’t Linden’s first concussion.

But when the dizziness, double vision and memory problems didn't improve after several months, Linden’s family began to fear that she would never fully recover. She was diagnosed with post-concussion syndrome. After seeing a series of doctors, specialists and therapists, she was told there was little that doctors could do and she should simply accept her “new normal.”

Linden’s “new normal” included debilitating headaches, slipping grades, moodiness and constant fatigue. Her struggles were heartbreaking to watch for her parents, and they continued to search for solutions. That’s when they found Aviv Clinics. At Aviv, Linden received the treatment she needed to get back in the classroom, back on the field and back doing the activities she loved.

Does Linden’s story sound familiar to you? Your student-athlete could be suffering from post-concussion syndrome. Click to download Aviv Clinics’ free guide to sports-related concussions. To learn more about Aviv, call 888-393-2848.


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