The concussion risk nobody tells you about

As football players, coaches and parents, most of us are familiar with the common signs and symptoms of a concussion: Dizziness, headaches, nausea, short-term memory loss, sensitivity to light or sound. These symptoms can often appear just minutes after a head injury, and generally fade away after a few days or weeks.

What you may not know about are the long-term consequences of a concussion – or of multiple concussions. Even a mild head injury can cause prolonged damage to delicate brain tissue.

About one in every five people who suffer a concussion will experience mental health concerns like PTSD and major depressive disorder. While medications can help manage these conditions, they do nothing to treat the underlying damage to the brain.

That’s where Aviv Clinics comes in. Clinical research demonstrates that the Aviv Medical Program can heal damaged brain tissue, even years after a head injury.

If your student-athlete is suffering from one of these conditions after a concussion, contact Aviv Clinics for a free physician consultation or call us at 888-393-2848.


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