Why whiplash can be as dangerous as a hit to the head

Whiplash – when a person’s head is jerked forward and backward quickly – is a violent motion that causes the brain to collide with the inside of the skull. It can happen during a car accident, a fall, and yes, even during a tackle on the football field.

Neck pain and stiffness are the main signs of a whiplash injury, but whiplash can create much bigger problems than a sore neck. It’s also a cause of many concussions.

Signs of a whiplash injury include neck pain and may be accompanied by headache, sleep issues and dizziness or blurred vision. It also can result in attention and memory issues, ringing in the ears, fatigue, and irritability. These symptoms should go away after a few days or weeks.

If your student-athlete has had symptoms for more than three months, Aviv Clinics can help. Clinical research demonstrates that the Aviv Medical Program can heal damaged brain tissue from whiplash or concussion, even years after the injury. Complete our online form or call 888-393-2848 for a free physician consultation.


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